General Remarks about the Development

This page serves as a general overview of the Spinor code. The information provided here is meant to get anybody started interested in code development.

A very important development guideline in the Spinor Project is the modularization of the code. Hence, the whole project is made up of a number of individual packages. These packages were designed to be useful not only in combination with the Spinor Project but also for other scientific coding projects. Make sure you understand the copyright of each package before you start using it. The links in the menu to your left and the following list link to the corresponding package pages.

Spinor - main package
uniPPlib - universal PseudoPotential library
Xmath - eXtended math library
FlexiLib - Flexible Input Library
AuxLib - Auxiliary Library

We recommend that you set up the following directory structure for code development:

Note that the 'AuxLib', 'FlexiLib', 'uniPPlib', 'Xmath' and 'Spinor' (with 'Modules') subdirectories are automatically created when unpacking the corresponding source distributions in their parent directory. The 'Inputs' and 'UPFs' directories need to be filled according to the instructions given in the General Remarks of the executables section.

Follow the instructions on each of the four sub-packages ('AuxLib', 'FlexiLib', 'uniPPlib' and 'Xmath') on how to download and install them. The order in which these libraries are generated is irrelevant. Finally compile the Spinor sources located in the Spinor subdirectory.

See the individual pages to get more detailed information for each package. Note that each might have its own To-Do list. On this general page we collect what needs to be done for the Spinor Project as whole:
